Sermon Archives
Mark 8:22-33 Pt. 1
Listen to the message on the topic of lost humanity by Pastor Matthew Tarpley.
Test Yourselves
Join us here for a moving sermon by Pastor Tarpley on being serious with your belief, and testing yourself to ensure that you are truly saved.
What is the Church?
Join us for a powerful teaching on the roles of the church by David Schwartz, Jr.
Put on the Full Armor of God
Join us for a special sermon by Pastor Tarpley from Ephesians 6 about the importance of the armor of God.
Mark 7:31-37
Join us for a sermon about Jesus healing a deaf and mute man by Pastor Matthew Tarpley.
Mark 7:14-23
Learn with us about what truly defiles a person as Jesus described in Mark 7.
Rebuild the Church
Join us for a sermon on Nehemiah by special guest speaker, David Schwartz, Jr.
Mark 6:45-56
Join us for the story of Jesus walking on the water, preached by Pastor Tarpley.
Mark 6:14-29
Join us for the message on John the Baptist’s death, and the importance of following Christ.
Mark 6:1-6
Listen to Pastor Tarpley on Jesus’ rejection in Nazareth and how His followers can expect to be treated.
Mark 5:21-24, 35-43
Join us for a sermon on Jesus’ authority over all things, including death.
Mark 5:25-34
LIsten to a message on the woman with a discharge of blood by Pastor Tarpley.
Colossians 3:17-21
Join us for a special guest speaker Pastor Thad Berrey as he brings us a message from Colossians 3!
Mark 5:1-20
Listen to an incredible message on the man with many demons by Pastor Matthew Tarpley.