Sermon Archives
Mark 4: 35-41
Listen to Pastor Tarpley’s sermon on the end of Mark 4 and the majesty of Jesus calming the storm!
Mark 4:26-34
Join us for a powerful message by Pastor Tarpley on the story of the mustard seed!
Mark 4:21-25
Join us for a wonderful sermon by Pastor Tarpley on being a light to the world!
Mark 4:1-20 Pt. II
Join us for the second part of the Parable of the Sower by Pastor Tarpley.
Mark 4:1-20 Pt. I
Join us for part one of a two-part sermon on the Parable of the Sower by Pastor Tarpley.
Mark 3:7-19
Join us for a powerful sermon on what it means to follow Christ by Pastor Tarpley!
Mark 2:18-22
Join us for the next sermon in Mark chapter 2 preached by Pastor Matthew Tarpley.