Sermon Archives

May 31, 2020
Pastor Tarpley preaches on Acts 17 this morning with First Baptist Lake Waccamaw.

May 10, 2020 | Mother’s Day
Happy Mother’s Day from FBC Lake Waccamaw! Unfortunately, our live stream was cut short, but you can still read the Sermon as Pastor Tarpley speaks on The High Calling of Motherhood.

May 3, 2020
“Come to Me” Matthew 11:28-30. Drive-in service at First Baptist Church Lake Waccamaw with Pastor Matthew Tarpley.

April 26, 2020
Join us as Pastor Tarpley speaks on The Cross Centered Life from Matthew 16:24-26.

April 19, 2020
First Baptist Church of Lake Waccamaw met once again in a drive-in service in the church parking lot! Pastor Tarpley preached on Acts 26:19-20.

April 12, 2020 | Easter Sunday
Happy Easter from First Baptist Church Lake Waccamaw! We had our second Drive-in Service so we could gather on the most triumphant day of the Faith.

April 5, 2020 | Palm Sunday
On Palm Sunday, FBC Lake Waccamaw gathered in their cars to observe social distancing guidelines set in place to flatten the curve of COVID-19, but we were still able to gather with our community and worship the Lord.